Texturologie 7: Blossfeldt’s Bell-Heather (2009)
computer with controller
This recording is a concert performance made with a Behringer BCR2000 rotary knob controller.
Please get in touch with me if you are interested in the Max patch.
Program Note
Texturologie 7: Blossfeldt’s Bell-Heather (2008) is another in a series of pieces that explore the creation of intricate continuous-field textures through algorithmic processes generated in the software MAX/MSP. This piece allows for control of the probability weighting of each pitch class, as a means of generating harmonic and tonal areas, and control of the probability weighting of various registers along with the speed and density of surface events. The music is realized in real time with the various parameters manipulated with a hardware rotary-knob controller. I have recently become immersed in Karl Blossfeldt’s photographs of magnified botanical forms (making drawings of several of them in charcoal and pastels). Some of his images (like the bell-heather) are reminiscent of continuous-field or all-over-pattern abstract paintings.